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CEEC Tianjin Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. Won the Bid for Wind Turbine Installation of Yunnan Lijiang Qihe Wind Power Project

  On April 17, Tianjin Launch Special Hoisting Engineering Co., Ltd. of CEEC Tianjin Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. received the Letter of Acceptance from Guodian Chengxin Tendering Co., Ltd., saying that it has successfully won the bid for the wind turbine installation of Yunnan Lijiang Qihe (49.5 MW) Wind Power Project of Longyuan Lijiang New Energy Co., Ltd.
  The project is located in Qihe Wind Farm of Lijiang City, Yunnan Province. The planned duration is 113 days, and the bid winning scope is the installation of 25 sets of wind turbines in the wind farm (12 sets of UP2000-121 S and 13 sets of UP2000-115S with main engine model of combined power 2000 kW).

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