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Renewal Granted for Permit of ‘Contracting of Construction (Repair, Commissioning) of Electric Power Facilities’ for CEEC TEPC

  The permit of ‘Contracting of Construction (Repair, Commissioning) of Electric Power Facilities’ (G1 Construction, G1 Repair, G1 Commissioning) of the company has passed online and on-spot verification of certifying authority. Administrative license has been obtained, granting renewed validity till 2025.
  As stipulated by the National Energy Administration, companies engaging in the construction, repair, and commissioning of electric power facilities in China should obtain such a permit. By ‘construction, repair, and commissioning of electric power facilities’, it means the install, repair and testing of power supply, power transmission and power reception facilities. Power construction company contracting grid-involved projects (such as substations and out-lining project) must obtain the permit of ‘Contracting of Construction (Repair, Commissioning) of Electric Power Facilities’. As one of the few companies with the permit of ‘Contracting of Construction (Repair, Commissioning) of Electric Power Facilities’ (G1 Construction, G1 Repair, G1 Commissioning), CEEC TEPC is allowed to engage in the install, repair and testing of power facilities of all voltage classes.

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