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The roadbed of G243 Taiping to Liangpingjie highway of Chongqing Dianjiang project is fully connected
  On May 10th , the roadbed of Chongqing Dianjiang PPP project G243 Taiping to Liangpingjie highway project invested and constructed by CEEC was totally completed.Up to now, the G243 highway has completed all the main structures of 4 large and small bridges and 2 underpasses, and has completed 75% of the total engineering volume and the conditions for opening to traffic will be available at the end of May.
  It is reported that the G243 highway is a vertical first-class highway that runs through five towns. The total length of the road is 28 kilometers, the standard road width is 23 meters, it has two-way four-lane, and the design speed of the road is 60 kilometers per hour.

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